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©Li Wei, September 2017
SOL,was designed as an experimental measure of the high range of mental ability.
SOL contains 31 spatial items,there is only one correct answer for each item,every correct
answer brings one point.
There is no time limited,two attempts are allowed.
No fee for the first submission,9GBP is required for the second submission and the payment should be sent to via paypal(或通过支付宝支付80¥,账户
Work alone,do not discuss,share,or publish the solutions with anyothers.
I hope you will have fun.
Send your answer to,and Name,Age,Gender,All prior scores on high range tests
are required.
You will receive the score report in 30 days ,if I do not respond,send again.
This test is currently accepted as an entrance exam by Neuron Society.
You can find a norm Norm&Statistics.

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